About this piece

Beautiful standing nude, it's a so called 'bozetto', a terracotta design, as preparation for a larger sculpture. The height is 22,5 cm.

The way in which she is anchored in the earth, the power and expression that the sculpture radiates, in an almost primitive way, playing with shapes and proportions, makes it a wonderful and fascinating work for me to look at.

This standing nude is probably made in the 1950's, maybe early 1960's. As usual with a study, the terracotta is not signed.

The work is very reminiscent of the work of the Bulgarian sculptor Boyan Rainov Bulgary 1921- France, 2005), who migrated to France in 1945. His work has the same curves and the relatively small head is also a recurring theme. His work became later even more abstract, but always remained figurative. I hope to get this confirmed. You can read a short biography of him below.

Boyan Rainov (Bulgary, 1921 - France, 2005), came from a prominent intellectual family, his father, an artist, writer and professor, was a big promoter of modern art. Boyan Rainov graduated from the Art Academy in Sofia.

In 1945 he left Bulgaria and immigrated to France. Boyan incorporated himself thoroughly in the cultural spheres of Paris. In 1946 he hosted an exhibition, the theme corresponded to Paul Eluard’s novel “The Beauty and the Beast”.

In 1963 Rainov participated in the “Exhibition of the Seven Trends of Modern Sculpture” - an exhibition dedicated to showcasing the main trends in European sculpture. Other participants include Jean Arp, Alberto Giacometti and other prominent sculptors.
The same year Rainov received first prize at the international exhibition of sculpture at Monte Carlo for his work ‘Les Enlacés’ (The Embraced). France has displayed a particular interest in Rainov’s work, to such an extent that on the occasion of his 60th birthday in 1982, the post office created a stamp consisting of his work ‘The Family’. His monumental sculptures ‘The Family’, ‘Friendship Between the People’ and ‘The City’ are located amongst three separate squares in Paris.

He was close friends with René Char and illustrated several of his books.

Source: Galerie Dumonteil, Paris

This work was acquired from a Belgian private collection. The previous owner bought it from an legacy, years ago in the village of Collioure. The village is very popular among artists who often stay there for long or short periods, partly because of its beautiful location and special light. The famous sculptor Aristide Maillol was also from Collioure.


Small shrinkage crack under the left knee.


Height: 22,5 cm (8,86")

1950's, early 1960's

1950's, early 1960's
